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SDGs 02
Zero Hunger 消除飢餓

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About the Goal

The SDGs aim to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, making sure all people–especially children–have sufficient and nutritious food all year. This involves promoting sustainable agricultural, supporting small-scale farmers and equal access to land, technology and markets. It also requires international cooperation to ensure investment in infrastructure and technology to improve agricultural productivity.


續發展目標旨在到 2030 年消除一切形式的飢餓和營養不良,確保所有人——尤其是兒童——全年都能獲得充足和營養的食物。這包括促進可持續農業、支持小農以及平等獲得土地、技術和市場。它還需要國際合作,以確保對基礎設施和技術的投資,以提高農業生產力。



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